

Baptism Explosion

It is a commandment of Jesus that all those who truly follow him are willingly baptised by immersion into water: a wonderful experience and a symbol of the death of the old way of life where "me" was in charge. In baptism, we acknowledge that the old person we used to be is now dead and we have a new master in our life: Jesus Christ. 

It is the custom in some traditional churches to baptise tiny infants. However, because this kind of public commitment to the Christian lifestyle is very serious and can only be made upon considered reflection, modern churches should not encourage the baptism of babies and this was never done in the days of the Bible.

If you have not been baptised in water and you are a serious and committed disciple of Jesus, please contact us and we will make an arrangement to chat with you, see the next next Baptism dates below and contact us beforehand if you are interested.

Next Baptism : Sunday 9th February the service starts  @10am